Shes so tiny but i held her.. and felt the tiny wisdoms seeping into my arms.. the same arms that thought they were wiser by age and time and imbalanced experience..
I kept holding her and she squirmed ever so slightly.. arms stretched out and eyes fluttered wide open.. searching mine she spoke to me.. asked me what I wanted to know - when I expected weakness from a sweet little bundle there exuded a profound strength! .. in this 2kg human being, expressing her new entry to the world as a tiny precursor to greatness!
my eyes clouded over, she closed her eyes - not quite dismissively and smiled, knowingly. "its ok, aunty shafs", she seemed to say.. let me rest a little while and then we can start taking on the world together! she teased me with that thought and allowed that smiling demeanor to carry her into dreamland.
Left with a resounding thought.. musical and manifest, I marvelled at lifes beauties, tiny and soul enriching..
I couldnt put her down, mesmerized as I was.. so I held her some more.. the smile hadnt quite faded, content she was, of her own accord.. showing her deep understanding of the secret of life that we in adulthood have long forgotten.. her baggage of delight making her the mini-master of the journey ahead; our choice to forget the great secrets making us meager beggars lacking salience, lost in the labyrinth of a laboured life and reduced to scavengery in a sordid sea..
I looked down at her once again and realised.. that she had all the answers to life.. she represented the answer to life.. Life, this Child of Universe.. this marvel of Gods Creation.. this reason for everything to be set right in the world!
*in tribute to my newborn niece, Madeeha, daughter of Dilshaad and Mohammed Gaba Ebrahim; born 21 July 07
Cuddling the Russian Bear
15 hours ago
oooooh congrats aunty shafs!
hey nice one! why did u wait so long to share the good news!?
congrats on the new addition to the family!
ty! ty!
i shared some thoughts at Cycle of Birthing... :) But i only got to see her this weekend past cos she was in the hospital a few days, making friends with the nurses etc.. lol.. she was truly tiny so they used that as an excuse to keep her a few days while they got to bask in her sterling starry persona :P
ok ok enuff already, im mesmerized by her! tiny little wise one she be.. and she will be the master and i will be her student. i dont think the words in the post quite convey how i felt the first time i held her :) heres to continued revelations of beauty along our life paths!
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