Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The right to write...

There's never a really perfect time to write. Some people envision a quiet cottage on the beach, or a secluded room with a desk, good lighting and endless coffee as company. Sure, there are variables that might enhance the writer's experience, but the reason that we get writing is found even beyond a particular 'state of mind'. There should be, for everyone who wants to be a serious writer, serious about their writing, a switch, a space in your mind that you can retreat to or go to, when it is time to write. Create that attitude. Cultivate that space. Writing is creative reward, and shared expression. Writing is cathartic and oceanic. It allows you to isolate thoughts or allow them to be part of something greater. The bigger picture is made manifest here. Writing is prayer and contemplation. Writing is conversation and release. To Write, to love to write or to hate writing and do it anyway to the best of your ability, is to take a glimpse into Eternity. And to be addicted to the Journey.


Dreamlife said...

And how would you suggest finding that switch, and cultivating that space?

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

I;m suggesting that if something is a conscious decision, there should be no block. Do as you intend. Write if that;s what you're serious about doing.

Dreamlife said...

Ah...well I guess for me the issue then is not a creative block, but an 'opportunity block'. Time isn't on my side....