I've often used this blog space for reflective, contemplative writings. Blogging goes back to the essence of those dear diary days when I thought and wrote for just one audience: the observations of my environment, together with the inner workings of my mind. And then came Facebook. The online chat relays stretched to a voyeurs dreAm: everyone's a stalker these days. As if the subtext wasnt inviting enough, along came stalkerville; oops it's actually called Twitter. Less than being about what a-little-bird-told-me, it catapulted to popularity based on it's stalker advocacy. Follow me! the banners squeal and entice. Twitter ruled the roost in snippets of mere 140, appealing to a progressivley compulsive generation of non- essayists. The Mxiteers and BBM'rs. A closer look reveals that it holds a certain magnetism for journos, writers, and yes, even essayists, now willing to challenge themselves to the new bite-sized mandate. Long-winded diatribes were quickly whittled down to power-packed fits of expressiveness (or not quite so)...
And so, writing and the way we present and package info has changed drastically.
Our approach and attitude to how we relate to people has altered just as significantly. Those same ethics don't apply. Newer ones have been configured at the utter bewilderment to those who haven't as closely followed social media trends and creating camps of resistance amongst some who are able to measure change over a length of time (say ten or so years). For those who have just started using newer and constantly evolving media platforms, the genesis of past and present makes only mythical sense if at all. Division is a bleak reality, and generational and other often observable gaps are planets apart in some respects.
How do we assimilate these new ways of being without alienating our mirror selves?
How do we retain human links while the machines take over our minds!?
Ideas, anyone?
Destroy the machines!
But seriously - the information flood and technology addiction can be a pretty destructive habit. Virtual interactions seem to have taken precedence over real life for many (like the Matrix?) - and the only way to retain human links is to not let technology dominate your time and attention. I don't mean leaving it completely - because that's near impossible in today's times. But i mean cutting down - finding a balance where technology serves your NEEDS, instead of enslaving you to it.
Check the post I put up yesterday and see if you agree with the sentiments.
Alright, honestly, if we destroy the machines, we wouldn't be able to blog! :P
Haven't yet had time to check your post, will try to later today. Is there a machine or other that can manufacture extra time? This year seems to be leaking time somewhere... we're not getting enough of it. Phew. I agree that balance is necessary. Without it, and without discipline and time management, it eats away at life blood! Thanks for stopping by the blogs. It's become eerily quiet around these parts!
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