Friday, October 06, 2006



Ruby :) said...


Ruby :) said...

Hi Kimya; does Mish have a blog, been trying to get to it through her comments on your blog, but cant seem to get to it!

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

hey rUbes..

nooo unfortunately miSh doesnt have a blog.. iv been bEgging her to share her colourful wisdoms with us lesser mortals, but alas! the faeries have her attention *and a certain someONe it seems* ;)

how about we start a petition to get mish da vinci blogging, ey? :P

Saaleha Idrees Bamjee said...


yeah, we need one more to complete the coven.....

Shafinaaz Hassim said...


mIsh, where arrrre you!????!
get out of that make up studIO n stop playin with the lip coloUrS!!!

The cameras are roLLing;
You'r oN in fiVe!!!

Anonymous said...

this is like a ladies only gathering or what?

Shafinaaz Hassim said...


anOn..only if ur intimidated by a bunch of bloGGing diVas of the diVine b'sphere!


Bilal said...

This probably the same bunch of bloGGing diVas that email silly teddy bear and puppy emails:)
Lol, just kidding...

Shafinaaz Hassim said...


wats wrong with teddy bears n puppy dawgs? *sigh*

diVas are a multitude of many dimensions :)
lets not attempt to label and divide okay :P


Anonymous said...

Looks kinda like "Red" (Little Red Riding Hood) from the movie

She looks scared though, which is not in keeping with the tone of the sign in her hand.

So the question is....why am I reading so deep into it? :)

Ruby :) said...

Divas indeed... We are the fun and fabulous Bloggers of JHB!!!
Bilal: we do NOT email puppys n silly teddy bears, just important stuff.. like hearts and .
Dreamlife: did you like hoodwinked? i didnt enjoy it much... cant wait for Shrek 3, coming out in June 2007...

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

Mish: That was a diVine order to get you bloGGing :P
Cant believe you brushed us off like that! *siGh*

Dreamlife: You always diVe and deLve into the dEep bLue yonder ;)
Keep at it, it keeps us challenged!

Ruby: Lol@hearts n flowas..
but dont say Jhb, cos id rather be the Child of the Universe that I am:))

Anonymous said...

Ruby: yup, i did like Hoodwinked; i liked it a lot. The reporter and his squirrel were my favourite characters in it.

You know, the little jokes - which u may miss - just made it even more enjoyable (e.g. the Pelican cop was called "Bill" :) .

There's talk of them doing a sequel to it.

Didn't really like Shrek 2 though...

Saw a bit of "Madagascar" and looked ok - but didn't see the rest. Anyone recommend it?

Kimya: um...thing is, i don't *try* to delve. it just occurs to me. like the faces on your tree pic - i didn't scrutinise it looking for shapes, i just saw them.

sometimes i wonder whether being 'analytical' is a habit, or if its just an in-built characteristic.

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

lol.. the tree pic one was freaky tho! for anyone whose wondering.. we're talking about the pic used for the BaoBab Persona poem, if u click on it it gets enlargened, and u see one portion of the tree smiling and the other frowning :P

thanks DL

zee said...

now this is exactly da problem with getting into a conversation late...I'm not sure if I should b commenting on da pic, hoodwinked, madagascar, puppies n teddy bears or bout mish's refusal to join da bloggin world, when we all know she'll fit in jus fine here:) oh and ahhh yes...the fact dat u all see yourselves as divas:)


but cum to tink of it, tis a old post n no one will prob read tis again, so not gonna waste my energy discussin all those issues.instead let this be seen as me leaving my mark.

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

just so u dont have the last woRd..

I have this much to say to you Zee:

