there comes a time when we must decide whether to excise the offending wound, cauterise, burn or give little bits to maggots so they can feed, gorge themselves on our pain and so cleanse our wound in turn.
Shafinaaz is a sociologist, artist and poet based in Johannesburg, SA. She is the author of several works of non-fiction and fiction, and has been listed in HayFestival's Africa39 category of top 39 authors in Africa under the age of 40 at the London Book Fair 2014. Also see
wow this is so well written shafs :)
surely then:
those fingers need rest.
may they find it soon...
aw. thanks luq, but then who will pen the messages in reply to your wisdoms? nah, i think the fingers will keep tapping :P
You people are deeeppp :-( im just soo.... floaty.
floaty is good - it lets the sunlight play with your face :)
deep. is. dark. and cold.
but sometimes its embracing.
and whole :P
there comes a time
when we must decide
whether to excise the offending
wound, cauterise, burn
or give little bits to maggots
so they can feed,
gorge themselves on our pain
and so cleanse our wound in turn.
maybe then,
but not quite now..
im not susceptible to maggots
preferring the use of
a more reliable means
to cleanse and relieve
whats this you ask?
its a dance in the elixir of life!
just a drop and a half
and a bit
on the tongue,
a taste of the worth
of my Self :P
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