Kay is overwhelmed. She undid the sluice gates and now she's let the dam wall overflow. And it's been so much fun that the posts have gained momentum like a river and seem to be really making the rounds between the blogs. It all started at Kays place, a post called 'Ten things I'd like my unborn child(ren) to know'.
And a simple tag of a few names led to more of that. It's amazing what a list of things you might say to offspring can bring out the best and the worst in a person :P
Okay mostly the best.
As this little flow of words most certainly did.
Check out the stream:
In no particular order...
Antonio: The Spawn Shall Know These 10 Things
Aasia: ...Spawn of my Loins
Nooj: Lists
Waseem: No Beyonce Listeners Tolerated
Seher/AD: Baby You Hear Me?
Azra: On that Bandwagon.
MJ: Concerning Kids
Saaleha: some sage and thyme for the sprogs
KiLLa: Naseehat (Advice) to my Gunner..
Nafisa: Tag, ur it!
Sofi: The 10 Thing Tag
Freelance Hero: What shall I tell my kids
Nielfa: Listen to me and Listen well..
Organharvester: The ten lessons I would teach to my kids..
Veritas: 20 things I want my kids to know
Edge of Where: simple 10
Mangoes & Mint: Things my sprog should know...
Randomness Infinite: 10 things I want to tell my unborn kids.
Zesty: For Abdullah
Dreamlife.wordpress.com posted his at the comment section of my own (previous) post in the same thread: 10 or so things I may impart..
Hasina_S did her own review of the works and added to the fun with Womb with a View in her own eclectic and awesome style :)
If I have ommitted anyone or there are still more to come, please leave a comment at this post. I think most had fun doing this, Even those that Grrr'd at the tag ;)
Thanks Kay! This was fun. Energies were shared across the veld in a veritable Fire. And like i said, its amazing what comes of a simple ten :)
Much Love,
kudos to kay. i loved reading everyones tags..ok, admittedly, i havent read them all, but i'm slowly making my way through them. it was a brilliant idea - like i said on my blog, it would be interesting to see where we're at in 20 yrs time!
Sofi, I used to say ten years time.. now even five is far away.. so we just take it one year at a time :P
Glad you, too, had fun!
We live and learn...live and learn :D
I'm going to attempt to collate everyone's tags and keep it for future reference.
Will be fun to have a look at it in a few years :)
Azra, we do hey.. :)
Fatima... When you have your first baby Im gna send this to you as a reminder :P
And then every five years or so.. lol
Fatima - cool idea. Cool advice from cool bloggers.
Ok, I've reached my daily limit of the word cool.
there can never be too much 'cool' :)
Please note: this list has just been updated with Randomness Infinite :)
I don't remember something spreading like that for a looonnggg time...
kimya, when you get to the age you thought youd be a mother of 4 you slowly realise if it ever happens, it wont happen soon..so 20 years is like a huge safety net!
See how intimidating you are... Who let you out of the kitchen anyway?
@ DL: yeah i was thinking the same thing.. i think saals/bilal will remember a tag started by zee way back in irhuno when.. and i can't remmeber if it was about songs in ur cd-shuttle/ipod something.. that one ran! and now this after a lonnnng time.
@ sofi: ok ok :)i c ur point! :)
@ OH: who said i was let out? :P
i come and go as i please; ppl only gO if they can't stand the heat, remember! lol..
Ta for the link :D
coolness :)
havta say.. i don really do ... or like doing tags.. but this one...was awesome :D
yep! much love to kay for starting this thing! i think she's got a knack for the goodstuff :P
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