Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Under Restoration

Theres a reason that some of the worlds most remarkable masterpiece artworks are kept behind secure barricades of glass or metal palisade, beyond the reach of prying hands and tempted fingers that might want to gleam some divine inspiration or capture some of the talent that traces such products of genius (or non-genius).
And so, like all works of the Master Genius, every masterpiece including the Self, needs to undergo periods of restoration and more precisely, periods of reSt in order to restore the balance, and the original glory as God intended, especially after having been marred by the layers of dust and grime that time and badly intended hands have lavished.
When our sense of balance has been threatened, we make the wanton mistake of swerving sharply in the opposite direction in an effort to counter the effects, and only tend to find ourselves in deeper trouble.. Restoring the balance, as I understand it, works its magic only if we are able to step back and find a period of ReSt. SIlence. The middle ground between negative and positive energies of Noise. Pain, self-doubt, fear and anger are forms of negative noise. Proactiveness, love, forgiveness, courage and inspiration are the positive attributes. They guide us to productivity. And to divine unconditional love. Rest restores the balance. Rest, in fact, is the balance. The balance of the Souls energy that tends toward peace. Contentment. Fulfillment. And Purpose. And what we discover, is a continuum of the Ideal Journey. The Journey toward finding the divinity that resides within each one of us. And the Divinity that is God.
Now no one is saying that this is a perfect path. THe path devoid of pitfalls is a tragic path. It lacks the opportunity for growth, vulnerablility, strength, risk and reward! But it is a path of choice and determination within the surrendered reality of Trust in the Divine Will. Conscious Choice and Engaged Surrender. These are the Tools. May you whistle while you work!
With Love and Magic..
Kimya, Under Restoration


zee said...

i agree!

i suppose, when looking specifically at the 'noise' factor in our lives, it becomes increasingly difficult to reach that ideal state of harmony cause we are always surrounded by noise...at work - ppl talking, screaming, calling - all wanting your attention. at home - the tv, radio. On the road - noise of traffc - it becomes so difficult just to get away from it all!

i suppose that is why prayer is soooo important - everything comes to a standstill for just period - it allows you to get back your sanity!

Shafinaaz Hassim said...

:) heya.. im under restoration right now... out away from the noise of work and stress and expected behaviours and stufff :)
and im luvvvin it!
india has its way of releasing and restoring in that age old way..restoring balance..meditations with nature..besides its monsoon season so its WOW