1. Read. Starting with The Tales of Peter Rabbit, of course! It will kickstart your imagination.
2. Travel. Because the world is filled with fresh oyster and it's a large percentage of water (dnt want to quote just any ol' stat so this will have to do). And water quenches many Thirsts, of course! ;)
3. Paint. Crayons on walls if you must! Draw. Sketch. Create!
4. Be. Exactly who you are! And precisely who you want to be. Even if that changes every day :)
5. Sing. Because a free voice is a free soul. Even if it's a tune to the rememberance of your Creator.
6. Believe! There is a Higher Power and each living being will construe of such in their own way. There is no other way.
7. Love. Deeply. There is NO other way.
8. Smile. It's one way to share good energy with all around you. And its the least you can do for the wonders that surround us.
9. Breathe. Everything else is a bonus! :)
10. Imagine. The possibilities are endless as the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world.
11. Visit Aunty Kay. She's cool. Really! :)
12. And I think I shan't be the one to teach them how to count to ten. Or how to colour in. Because, as you can see, I rarely stay in between the lines. Sigh.
13. Sigh. Really, because sighs of life are a form of prayer (ibaadat).
Listen to your mummy kids. She speaks from a fountain of wisdom.
I LOVE Peter Rabbit. He's my favourite bunny of them all :D
I'd buy my kids a whole library of those books. For my 7th birthday I got an entire 12 Volume Encyclopedia :P
@kay... 'kids'???
*me looks around*
phew. not here. if they'r at ur place, can u just hold onto them until i come get them. next year maybe? will bring apple strudel ;)
@azra: awesomeness! madeeha, my niece, is barely two, and already has her collection building up one-by-one of the good stuff - its amazing how she retains the stories u read to her from now already... her fav line is 'tell me story' ;)
oh, and 'baba wants choco-lala!'
i leave u to decipher that :P
the kids are in absentia
hahaha! you are such a darling arent ya honey :)
Kay Aunty?
whaooo now that is a punch :D
Love Deeply passionately madly truly insanely forever and always!
absent. to be present. they are as gifts, tis true.. :)
seher! not aunty kay to me, to the kids-awaiting-presentation someday ;)
hey i did my tag :D
and i loved it every minute
oooh.. let me see :)
its been a while since ive commented. thanks for the tag :)
- i'l comply
Nice post :)
I don't think I'll do a list of 10, but there are some things which I'd like the little ones to achieve that i myself keep failing in:
1. Self discipline:
in eating (junk especially), in sticking to times allocated to certain things, in anything, basically.
2. Always using time wisely:
not wasting precious minutes on things that are of no benefit. (I'm drawn to this bad habit like gravity, unfortunately)
3. Creating the mindset of serving others as a default way of thinking:
i.e. not being selfish, unless it's actually necessary.
4. Focussing on finishing something once you start it:
my endless partially-read books, unfinished projects, and to-do tasks bear witness that i have a problem with focussing.
5. Setting aside quiet time each and every day:
giving the mind and soul space to breathe, by enforcing a break from the otherwise never-ending string of daily activities.
6. Endearing yourself to others by communicating with them in a way that makes them feel important:
applying effective listening techniques and effective communication methods.
There's probably others to list, but i've gotta go...
tag, Im IT... NAWT !!!
Cos i like you compared to others...
aw.. thanks guys,
MJ: i read yours and loved the slippers bit. kudo's for number 3 and number 6 :)
DL: glad u undertook this one seeing as ur on the countdown to number one :P wishing you and Mrs.DL all the best!
KiLLa! sometimes u can be scho schwEet! aw. cept of course, when ur memon-bashing :P
your niece calls herself baba?
lol.. yaw... its like that royalty clause. baba sleep now. baba hurt knees. baba wants hugs. baba lovies u. baba good girl. baba nawtie. baba see ducks. etc. etc. etc.
there are other streams of convo and bits of sentences strung together... and quite an extensive vocab i might add. to the effect that parroting makes us all be careful of what we say, what words we use, etc. 'cool dude' rocks when she says it and 'hey dude' is the new tantrum in bad traffic. lol.
Inspiring list...
I'll make one ASAP (:
P.S. Love the header of your blog.
hi M
thanks for visitn.. lookin forward to reading ur list! :)
there you are:)
yay :)
You'll be pleased to know that I took a few minutes out of my hectic, hectic, HECTIC...(did I mention hectic?)day to do this for ya :D I haven't been online all day.
I have a few minutes free now. Your wish is my command Miss, go check it out :)
i did it too! i finally re find your blog! dont ask me how or why but it went AWOL from my list!
you have alot of your wonderful creative side laid bare in the advice to your spawn to be.
i like your 8.
she wuv's me. she wuv's me not. she... wUv's me! :)
thanks azra! will do.
aah sofiiii :)
long lost and all that, welcome.. hmm, lovely, me gna go c ur piece now now :)
I have complied. as per your wishes.
:) thanks u...
lololol hwo could you make me start reading these!!!! I still maintain that since according to the Mayans earth is ending in 2012 this is not a necessary concern :P
ryyyyyyyyyt :P
but u read it, still! lol.
Am i the ONLY ONE who has a real life sprog in this blogspere?!?!?
lol.. probably! but u still qualify so post away and lets see what u got ;)
LOL im off to do it now inshaAllah! whilst i feed my son at the same time- multi tasking goes to another level when you become a mummy!
I imagine you hugging trees with your sprogs :-D soo coooll.
There you go Kimyi- done.
thats superb! yeah.. its def more relevant as in you have the sprog that must be addressed :P
mwah to u and abdullah. i bet his adorable!
promis us that you would stick by number 3 !!!
i solemnly swear! :)
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